Friday, December 25, 2009

Am I supposed to cleanse my skin after using pore strips?

Am I supposed to cleanse my skin after using pore strips? Or do I just leave it alone until morning?Am I supposed to cleanse my skin after using pore strips?
i would cleanse it firstAm I supposed to cleanse my skin after using pore strips?
You should wash your face first with warm water, so that the pores expand. Then you can use the pore strips to ';suck out'; the blackheads more easily. Afterwards, you can rinse with luke warm water again, if you feel some residue on the skin.

Also try to keep the skin oil free so that there is no build up, and that prevents further oily skin and blackheads. You can use Clean and Clear oil absorbing sheets. They are handy and are highly effective.
Yes they will be more effective if you aren't applying them over oils.
I've been thinking about using these on my nose, cause I have some pretty big dirty pores...would this make me gay?

infact, I have used a pair of fingernail clippers to grab whatever that is there in your pore, and i can pull them out, leaving a gaping hole of a this good or bad?

EDIT: No, I really use nailclipers for that, I just went and did it on a couple pores just now actually. Is the pore strips going to do the same thing? pull those little spike things out? I can only get em on the tip and top of my nose, that's the only place they stick out far enough to get em with nailclippers.

Are you really a gay male?!%26gt;_X Thats gross.

To answer your question, I would think no, you shouldn't wash your face, because after you've pulled those spike things out, your pores are really open, and if you wash your face you'll just wash whatever oil remains on your face into the pores. If you give them some time, they start to close up on their own. I would wait till after they've closed up to wash again.

P.S.S. No your not a gay male, I read one of your other answers, you're a 17yo female! Ha! I would feel sorta silly going into walgreens and buying those biore pore strips(how much do they cost btw?) that would be almost, but not quite as bad as going in and buying some pantyliners or a menstraul cup. But hey I could always just explain to the cashier that these are for my girlfriend, my girlfriend you see, MY GIRLFRIEND!!!
first clean ur face with warm water then use strips
The step should be:

1. Clean face with face cleanser

2. Use the pore strip

3. Take away the pore strip

4. Splash some cold water on the pore strip area (it helps to tighten the pores)
Yes i would wash it.

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