Monday, December 21, 2009

Best makeup and cleansing products for acne prone skin

I tries Physcians formula and it broke me out horribly. I wash my face everynight and when I wake up I also mosturize. I am in my late 20's so it is not puberty. It is a whole new world for me because when I was a teenager I never had acne. It popped up about a year ago and it refuses to go away. I have tried all sorts of products and makeups and I am at my wits end. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Oh, and that I know of I am not allergic to anything.Best makeup and cleansing products for acne prone skin
I'm 23 and had acute cystic scarring acne when I was younger and I'm still prone to break outs. I tried everything too and even cetaphil made me break out. Now I only use Dove energy glow (which works better) or rose (which works ok) bars to wash my face twice a day. I also exfoliate twice a week with either St. Ives gentle apricot scrub or Ponds rose quartz microdermabrasion. I forgot to mention that I use Olay 7x effects moisturizer in fragrance free once a day, but will be trying a thinner sensitive moisturizer by Olay that someone else with my skin type uses because the one I'm using causes minimal breakouts.

I only use bare minerals for concealer, foundation and powder on my face. It's the summer and I'm tan, so I use medium beige with the concealer brush as a concealer and then buff warm tan all over my face. I can even sleep in it without worry about breaking out really bad. It's definitely a life saver because I used it as a last resort, thinking I would just never be able to wear any sort of foundation or powder for the rest of my life. Another bonus is that it lasts so long, the sample container lasted me 1 1/2 years so in the long run it's really cheap too. For the price of the foundation (not counting the 1 time purchase of brushes) it's only like $10 a year for concealer and foundation for me, ordering foundation at $30 directly from I would highly recommend ordering a sample pack from and then canceling the subscription service if they're still doing that as soon as you get your package. You get a bunch of their stuff for a fraction of the cost. Otherwise you can pick it up at one of their stores, Ulta or Sephora (or,, I'm jealous that now you get a travel compact with a brush in it with the starter pack, I got one as a present 3 years after I started using bare minerals and it's really great!Best makeup and cleansing products for acne prone skin
I was using proactive. It was ok. I still got pimples but it did better than other products such as clearsil or clean and clear did.

Try nivea young. Now that stuff is awesome. The only time I get pimples is for that time of the month. All the nivea young products are awesome.

And with the make up. Use mineral make up. It doesnt clog pores and if you have redness from the acne, it will hide it well.

If that doesn't work than go to a doctor.
Use Proactive to get rid of the acne. Even if the Proactive gets rid of the acne don't stop using it keep using it to prevent break outs. And the best make-up to use is Bare-Minerals. Its very light on the skin its not oily. Very good make-up.
zineret (prescribed by doctors)

clean %26amp; clear daily advantage wash (use in the morning)

mosturise after

clean %26amp; clear balckheads scrun (at night)

it is imprtant to use somthing that shall help remove blackheads as it is these that cause the actual acne if not treated
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