Monday, December 21, 2009

How can I deep cleanse my skin quickly?

I hate my skin. It is disgusting and oily and I try to clean it by scrubbing hard with Dial soap and I've tried glycerin soap and baking soda. It never seems to get clean enough and it's always oily even right after scrubbing and I still have blackheads or something that bothers me.

I want my skin clean so I don't have to pick at it, how can I very deeply cleanse my skin so I won't have too much oil or blackheads to pick at?How can I deep cleanse my skin quickly?
Ok to get rid of your black heads:

*First cleanse your face until its squeaky clean

*Then tie your hair back so its off your face

*Get a basin of boiling hot water, and tilt your head over the basin and hold it there for as long as you feel is comfortable. The steam will open up your pores.

*Then just after (make sure your hands are really clean btw) get 2 cotton pad/tissue and gently but firmly press on the skin either side of the black head and ease it out. You must not push so hard that your damaging your skin, as this could lead to scaring if you repeatedly do it.

*Once you are done flash cold water on your face a few times to close up your pores, dont skip this step as its very important.

But blackheads show that dirt has gotten into your pores. And you can only get rid of them manually and so you must keep up a skin care routine to effectively keep them at bay. Heres what you should be doing:

*Cleanse and Tone morning and night

*use an Exfoliater at least once a week

*also drink about 8 glasses of water a day

I would advise against using 'Clean %26amp; Clear' as those products can be very harsh on your skin. If the product your using stings it means your sensitive to it so stop as it is doing you damage. Also dont use soap on your skin as this can make it go dry and flakey.

I like 'Simple' or 'Vichy' products as these dont contain any:

-Alcohol (which dries out the skin)

-Parfum (which is just unnecessary)

-Oils (which clogs up pores)

Always check on the back of products to see what they contain as many can be doing more harm than good!

If none of this works i would advise you to go and get a facial at a Beauticians as they can do a full deep clean and give you very useful advise on what to do.

Also DO NOT PICK! as this may cause serious scaring which will only be noticeable after your skin has cleared so if you do STOP! And try to keep your hands off your face as all of bacteria on your hands will go all on your face if you touch.

If you follow all this and eat a healthy balanced diet staying away from chocolate...etc. You should see a real improvement.How can I deep cleanse my skin quickly?
Believe it or not, scrubbing too hard and with a harsh soap like Dial can actually be exactly the cause of your issues.

I would suggest a gentle steaming session, where you remove your makeup first then put a towel over your head and let a pot of simmering water on the stove steam your face for a few minutes.

After this, use Cetaphil lotion cleanser (or the generic equivalent), Wipe the lotion off with a soft/gentle cloth and then rinse with plain tap water that is not too hot nor too cold. Once your face is clean and rinsed, blot dry (no scrubbing). Use Witch Hazel afterward to help close up pores and restore the proper pH balance to your face.

Once you have done this for several days, you can then think about adding an exfoliating session every other day. Exfoliate after cleansing and before rinsing. Always use the witch hazel.

You really do not need expensive skin cleansing regimines as long as you remember to cleanse, exfoliate, restore pH and keep face from being over dried out and over scrubbed.

Picking is the worst thing you can do, I understand that it becomes a habit, but you must try to refrain from doing it.
you have to go to the source... and that is your skin type....and your genetic predisposition to oily skin.

you likely have overactive oil glands.

things you can do. drink lots of water. eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. use a facial mask to exfoliate.

and lastly ..see a doctor if you can.

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