Monday, December 21, 2009

Why does my skin always feel tight after cleansing?

When you cleanse, you remove the essential oils and emollients from your skin, leaving it dry and tight. You might try a more gentle cleanser if it bothers you or if you have sensitive skin.Why does my skin always feel tight after cleansing?
That's a sign that your cleanser is too strong and it's probably drying your face out. The thing to do would be to switch to a moisturising one that won't dry your skin.Why does my skin always feel tight after cleansing?
because its closing your pores and and its tightening the skin so i wouldn't worry about it
you might want to get a different cleanser.. a good one should leave your face feeling fresh, clean, and supple.. yours is probably too drying..
The cleanser is too strong. Find something lighter.
Because its DRY. You need to moisturize.

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